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Tarot & Oracle Reading

Learn how to read intuitively for yourself and others with confidence!

Do you feel drawn to the art of Tarot reading but don't know where to begin? Maybe you bought a deck, were excited to start reading, but when you opened the box, you couldn't figure out how to connect with the cards.  Well, you are not alone. Many readers have difficulty receiving messages through the cards at first. This can be very discouraging, especially if you don't have support or guidance from an experienced reader. At Fire and Spirit, you will find a safe and supportive environment where you can join other beginner to intermediate readers and learn how to read Tarot and Oracle cards through workshops, reading shares, and mentorship opportunities with Ana.


Interpreting Tarot is not just for psychics and fortune tellers. Imagine going to a museum or art gallery and someone tells you that only a few people with "special" abilities are able to admire, connect with, and understand the artwork on display. Most art lovers would probably disagree with that person and enjoy the art in whatever way suits them. The art of Tarot reading can be seen the same way. Once you gain a general understanding of the cards, learn the language used by the creator of the deck and understand their intention, you can interpret the Tarot the same way an art lover can interpret art. Intuitive/ Psychic reading involves accessing this knowledge while using your own unique abilities to connect with your intuition and receive messages.


Whether you have never picked up a deck before or you have been practicing on your own for years, join us and begin accessing your intuitive gifts and abilities in ways that can enrich your experience in life, your connection to the world around you, and take your readings to the next level.  



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